Individual and Group Counselling
Our counselling team provide therapy services for those affected by family violence, sexual harm, abuse, and trauma. We offer a safe and non-judgmental place to share your thoughts and experiences.

Family Action provides free counselling for anyone who has experienced family or sexual harm, abuse, and trauma.
We offer a safe and confidential service. Our team of qualified clinicians are trained in a range of different therapeutic models and styles and will work with each client and their whānau to determine the best approach.
We are approved and funded by ACC, Ministry of Social Development, Oranga Tamariki, Ministry of Justice, Women’s Refuge and Health West.
How can we help
We offer a safe and non-judgemental place to share your thoughts and experiences. We work with you to identify goals and support you to reach them.
Once we receive your referral, you will be contacted about booking in an initial Choice appointment. We will spend some time getting to know you and your whānau, discussing what your needs are, and understanding what the best service is for you.
The services we offer
Individual therapy for adults
- One to one therapy in a safe and caring environment.
Therapy for children/youth
- One to one therapy that is tailored to meet the child's needs. Family/whānau will be involved in the supports where possible
ACC sensitive claims counselling
- Long term therapeutic support for sexual harm victim-survivors.
Ministry of Justice Safety Programmes
- One to one safety programmes to learn about the effects of family violence and develop some skills to enhance your safety and wellbeing
Group programmes
- Wahine Toa - a safe and supportive group for women who have experienced/experiencing family violence
- Rangatahi Toa - a safe and supportive group for 14-18 year olds who would like to work on skills to help regulate their emotions.
Couples therapy
- A safe space for two whānau members to work together to achieve a calmer home environment. This can include people in a relationship, or mum and aunty, two siblings etc.
Things to know about counselling:
- Counselling often involves talking about yourself with someone who has a range of skills to support you with positive change. It can also help you to be more aware of different feelings, learn new communication skills, strengthen your self-worth, and learn new coping skills.
- Counsellors will not tell you what to do or give advice, but they will support you to see things more clearly and maybe from a different point of view.
- Counselling may involve working with individuals, couples, family/whānau and groups. It usually takes place face-to-face but online and phone options may be available to meet your need.
- Counselling sessions are usually held once a week for 45-50 minutes.

Common questions you might have
Some of the most frequently asked questions and answers about this service.
All of our services are free. However, we are only partially funded so if you would like to donate, please click here.
Your confidentiality is very important to us. All support is confidential.
There are some limits to confidentiality, for example, we will report the risk of harm to you or others. We will keep you informed if this does need to happen. We will talk to you about confidentiality at the start of your support and you will be able to ask any questions then.
Our supports are for all victim-survivors of family harm, sexual harm, abuse, and trauma. This includes people who have witnessed the harm, or who are supporting whānau members who have experienced harm. If we are unable to offer support to you, we will connect you with the right services that can cater to your needs.
We will ask you to complete a referral form. The referral form can be completed on our website, on the phone, or in person.
When we receive your referral, we will contact you
There will be an initial appointment where you will meet on of our team to discuss your needs and hopes for counselling. If the referral is for a child, we talk to parents/guardians and the child together to learn the background to the family and to understand any areas of concern.
The next steps will be explained to you during this appointment.
ACC Sensitive Claims is ACC funded support following sexual abuse or assault. You can have one-to-one sessions with an ACC approved therapist.
The number of sessions you receive depends on your needs. If you like, your family and whanau can also access some sessions. Learn More
The Safety Programme is a free programme for people who have experienced family violence. There is a programme for adults and a programme for children. The programme aims to help understand the impact of violence, learn coping strategies and start to move forward with your life.
The programme can be done in individual counselling or as a whānau.
The safety programmes are for people who have a protection order through the family court.
We will explain how to keep safe and provide practical information about how Protection Orders work. Learn More
Anonymous Client
Group Counselling Client
Supporting Survivors
Family Action provides confidential support in West Auckland for all victim-survivors of family harm, sexual harm, abuse, or trauma. Your experiences may be historical or current. We will provide support to you and your family/whānau.

Are you in an abusive relationship?
Are you concerned about your relationship? Abusive behaviours can be physical actions or they can be more subtle. It can be saying things to you or feeling forced to do something because you’re fearful of their reaction.
Take an anonymous online test to check how your partner or ex’s actions impact you.